Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bye Bye Gaddafi

So the Libyan dictator is dead and I am celebrating. Most students I talked to on campus are either indifferent or feel that it is somehow evil to celebrate someone's death. But now OUR troops can come home! Plus an evil asshole can no longer cause havoc and human rights attrocities. NATO will still assist the rebels to stabilize the government and provide security.  I think we live in a very historic time and the end of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi rein is worth celebrating!

My mom was quick to point out that he purposely graphed skin from his ass to his face to make him look more mean. Um so would that make him a buttface? Just asking. Ok I am having fun looking at the Wikapedia info on him.

"He seized power in a bloodless military coup in 1969 and served as the country's head of state until 1977, when he stepped down from his official executive role as Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya, and claimed subsequently to be merely a symbolic figurehead. Critics have long described him as Libya's autocrator demagogue, despite the Libyan state's denial of him holding any power In 2011, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya state he established was overthrown in a civil war which consisted of an uprising aided by a NATO intervention."

It goes on to say  " In the 1980s, he started several wars and acquired chemical weapons, leading to the United Nations calling Libya under Gaddafi a pariah state and countries around the world imposing sanctions."

Then there was news of his demise. In February 2011, following revolutions in neighboring Egypt and Tunisia, protest against Gaddafi's rule started. This escalated into a revolt with forces opposing Gaddafi was joined by the French, British and the U.S., eventually backing his removal from power and a Civil War in Libya. He was captured alive after his convoy was attacked by NATO warplanes as his hometown Sirte fell on the 20th of October of 2011. He was also killed that day.  Whoo hoo!

I think it is worth celebrating. 

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