Thursday, September 22, 2011

Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Published: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Updated: Sunday, February 14, 2010 19:02

"In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed." William Ernest Henley,"Invictus"

Hello UMB Community. As we head toward finals and the end of the semester with term papers and finals, remember to hold onto the good things. Being a college student is a blessing, and with such a competitive economic climate, it is almost a necessity.

Believe in yourself and keep your dreams near. If it were easy it would not mean as much. For many of us balancing school, work, and family commitments it can be a struggle, but in the end it will all be worth it.

"Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find, me unafraid,"(Henley).

I believe that everything happens for a reason. It took me 8 years with an interruption of two military deployments to make it through my Undergraduate degree. And when I was deployed to Iraq, I finished my whole senior year course work from UMass Amherst. When I was on Leave, I went to my Graduation, a B.A. in Journalism and a Minor in Military Science.

I dreamed of going for my Master's degree, so here I am at UMass Boston working hard on a degree in Public Affairs International Relations. I am happy to have the chance to achieve this.

My experiences have shaped the person I am today. I have learned to never give up. Some things are worth fighting for. Sharing with you excerpts from my favorite poem. It gives me strength and guidance. I believe in God, country, and selfless service. I think Henley captivates that.

"It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." UMB students, good luck with all your endeavors and remember to be grateful for the chance to make a difference.

Felicia Whatley UMB Mass Media News Editor

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